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Making a Difference with Chronic Pain -Dr. Eric Swartz


Most people in the US experience some kind of back pain in their life. And a lot of those people will have off and on pain in various degrees of intensity for the rest of their life. It's common sense to think that once you hurt yourself the pain will go away. Just give it some time. And it usually does. And it's reasonable to think that you will have to deal with more chronic pain and discomfort as the price for getting older.

"I guess this is just how it’s going to be when one is such and such an age" is a common way of thinking.

BUT does it have to be that way?! I believe the answer is an emphatic no. You don’t have to live with chronic pain and you don’t have to accept that getting older means you live with pain. That's old school thinking.

Why do most people think that way? The medical community has really help perpetuate this idea because they really don't have any solutions to chronic pain. I have had many patients tell me their MD said that they are getting older and they just have to deal with it.

If they have a solution for any type of chronic pain, that one answer is medication. Drugs that mask the pain. Drugs that lessen the pain. but no drug that actually works on the cause of the pain.

And when we're talking about LBP... surgery.... that's it. In fact, in medical school they spend just a few hours studying LBP. Not a day or a week of focused study on back pain, just hours. They don’t have the answers.

Medicine is based on drugs. That is what they know. That is what they study. So, I can't blame them. It is just a shame they claim or shall we say the marketing they have created around themselves states they know how to heal everything brainwashing the public that all the other methodologies of healing are shams.

Here is a window into healthcare. If you go to the surgeon he will tell you how he can fix it surgically. If you go to the pain doctor he will tell you how he can fix it with medication. Go to the acupuncturist and he will tell you how he can help you with acupuncture. Go to the physical therapist... you get it. They each have a way of looking at things to fix things. But no one way is the right way. Thus, if you are a smart patient, you take all that information and decide the best course of action for you. If not, you do whatever the first doctor says. 

So then let me tell you how I can help you with chronic pain in a way that is completely outside the medical community paradigm, that has been highly effective for my patients as well as myself.


My first career was as an aerobics instructor in the 80"s. I actually taught at Jane Fonda's workout in Los Angeles in the early days of fitness. We didn’t know what we were doing. There were no certifications, no research. I was teaching high impact classes on carpet over concrete. NOT good for the body.

Thinking exercise was good for my health, I sometimes taught 3 classes in a row in the early days. Pounding my body into cement repeatedly. Add year after year of that kind of impact and damage starts to occur to the structure of the actual skeleton. I had no idea this was happening. I was in great shape. I became a star instructor teaching classes to celebrities and regular folk alike. I thought how lucky am I that I found a job that pays me to workout.?!

The problem with that is that I'm in every class I teach. Meaning if you don’t feel like showing up to class you can stay home. I could not. And even teaching classes 3 times a week becomes a lot of wear and tear on my body.

Fast forward to15 years of teaching classes. Add in a few injuries, lower back pain on top of all that. Once I became a chiropractor, I started to try and figure out how to apply the concepts of spinal alignment to my pain. At first it seemed regular adjustments helped but the pain came back. Then I started Pilates, yoga and regular stretching. But the pain came back. (And of course, I was still teaching classes.) 

It wasn't until 15 years into my career as a chiropractor that I discovered the technique called CBP that changed my life.

By this time, I had been teaching classes for 25 years. I was now in serious pain. I loved to exercise but the pain was holding me back. I thought it might be time to retire. Had I reached the lifespan of a fitness instructor? When does that end? For example, a gymnast lasts until around age 19. A dancer at 30yr... Was I done and just going to have to accept pain as a way of life?

Short answer is no.

What made the CBP technique so different from all the other things I tried? It includes 2 things regular chiropractic care does not normally have. Spinal decompression and spinal correction.  Spinal decompression is a way to reverse gravity, reverse compression in the body. It takes pressure off the discs, and the nerves allowing more energy to flow through the body. And since your spine is not compressed it allows for more mobility.

Then the technique analyzes the S curve of the body. Your spine was designed as an S curve. But with life, gravity, accidents, bad posture we start to lose that S curve. That loss of curse, or gain, affects how the spine can move and function. Your biomechanics, the way your body moves, becomes limited as you lose or have too much gain in your S curve. Your body is like a machine. every cog in the wheel should fit perfectly. If it doesn't it still goes, it just grinds. That grinding is part of the cause of chronic pain. 

Once the curve is analyzed, there is a special table designed to start to push your curves closer to where they should be. Once you are closer to the S curve that was designed for us, the better you will operate and feel. An aligned spine will enable your body's biomechanics to function better and there will be decreased overall pain.

More mobility. More ability. Less discomfort.

I used to wake up with lower back pain. I'd feel it after workouts or just sitting in the car for a long period of time. As soon as I started treatment the lower back pain went away. But I wanted it to stay away. I kept up with my treatments. Slowly started testing certain activities I enjoyed that used to hurt. The lower back pain didn’t come back. It's a whole new life when you can be active with no pain.



This concept of reversing the wear of gravity on your spine and getting your spinal curve closer to the way it was designed has helped 1000's of my patients. Obviously, things like neck pain, lower back pain disappear. These are things patients thought they'd have to deal with for the rest of their lives. And this is done with no medication. But there have been other benefits I could not have imagined. Some patients have reported more energy, better sleep, clearer thinking. I have had many patients completely go off medications for blood pressure, heart medications. Just yesterday an elderly patient told me she is now off all her medications and feels more like her old self than she has in years

Can this work for you? Can having your spine in alignment, closer the S curve you were born with and less compression make a difference for you? Of course, there are no guarantees, but I'd rather try a sound treatment protocol like this than a lifetime of medication. The one way to find out is to come in for an evaluation. We will analyze your S curve, your posture and your spinal alignment. Put the pieces together for you and show how we can help.


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